>>President Trump Moving Toward Reactivating The Economy
(Washington, D.C.) — President Trump is looking at what actions could be taken to get the economy going again. Yesterday, the President said he’s considering setting up a special task force that will explore options that can be used to reactivate the economy. Trump said he’s thinking about it because, “The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself,” in reference to the negative impact the coronavirus pandemic is having on the economy.
>>Fed Coronavirus Relief Loans To Small Biz Sector So Far Top $5.4B
(Washington, D.C.) — U.S. small businesses have applied for over 5.4-billion dollars in coronavirus relief loans. In a statement, Small Business Administration chief Jovita Carranza said late Friday more than 17-thousand companies with five-hundred employees or less have applied through local banks for SBA-backed loans. The assistance is designed to help companies meet payroll and is part of the two-point-two-trillion dollar stimulus package signed by President Trump in late March. As long as a company that takes federal assistance doesn’t turn around and fire its employees, the debt will be forgiven.
>>NY Teenage Girls Face Hate Crime Charges For Coronavirus Attack On Asian Woman
(New York City, NY) — New York police say three teenage girls are facing hate-crime charges for allegedly attacking an Asian woman on a bus. It happened last week on a bus in the Bronx. Police say four girls hit an Asian woman on the head with an umbrella and accused her of causing the coronavirus before getting off the bus and running away. Three of the teens, all 15-years-old, were arrested near the scene shortly after the incident. The girl accused of striking the woman with the umbrella was not caught. The 51-year-old victim was taken to a local hospital and got stitches for a cut on her head.
>>Ohio Governor To Don Home Made Coronavirus Face Mask
(Columbus, OH) — Ohio Governor Mike DeWine says he’s going to be using a homemade coronavirus face mask when in public. The Governor made the statement yesterday, saying he plans to wear a mask his wife made for him. DeWine said the cloth masks recommended by the CDC don’t replace social distancing, but are a positive way to fight the spread of the disease.
>>Pope Francis Delivers Palm Sunday Message
(Vatican City) — Pope Francis delivers a Palm Sunday message of love and service from a mostly empty Saint Peter’s Basilica. In his sermon today, the Pope issued a coronavirus inspired call to not spend time on peripheral things but to focus on caring for and serving others. He said, “Life is measured by love.” In a reference to this Easter week, the Pope recommends all those who cannot participate in public liturgical celebrations to gather in prayer at home.
John Abrahamsen/bs
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