2019 Miss Fayette County Fair Queen Marlee Nolen will compete at the Miss Illinois County Fair Queen Pageant this weekend. The Miss Illinois Fair Queen Pageant will take place at the IAAF Convention held today thru Sunday at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield. Nolen will compete along with 72 other contestants from throughout the state. Instructions will be given for the weekend during the official roll call today, with Friday being interview day as each contestant will have a personal interview with 5 judges. The preliminary competition is held on Saturday with each contestant competing in stage presence, beauty and physique and speech and communication skills. Marlee will be competing in the afternoon group and the public is invited to attend.
Marlee is the 18 year old daughter of Matt & April Nolen of St. Elmo. She is attending Lake Land College, pursuing an Associates Degree in Biological Science with plans to transfer to Vincennes University to obtain a degree in Mortuary Science.