It will probably come as a surprise that there is more than one unincorporated community in Illinois with the name “Bluff City.” SVLMedia posted the video on social media Saturday evening of the tornado in what is identified as Bluff City, Illinois. WKRV-WPMB contacted SVLMedia today and they confirm the video was shot near an unincorporated town in Schuyler County that is named Bluff City–same name as Fayette County’s community—but this community is very close to Bath, Illinois and not that far from Havana, Illinois—about 130 miles away. Some have reported seeing the video on The Weather Channel and it being identified as being in Fayette County, but that is not the case. Although there were many storms around the region–including tornadoes in Montgomery County, Litchfield and Taylorville, where there is major damage–Fayette County was not under a watch, nor a warning, and the storm activity stayed to our west and northwest throughout the night.
(((((Picture provided courtesy of SVLMedia)))))