The Vandalia City Council addressed the influx of contractors coming into the area after Friday’s storm.
The storms late Friday night brought large hail to the area and resulted in damage to a large number of homes in Vandalia and Fayette County. At Monday’s Vandalia City Council meeting, the issue was addressed as Mayor Rick Gottman says there have been a lot of complaints in the community.
City Clerk Carla Huhn says those soliciting door to door much get a permit and it is $100 per day per individual soliciting. One contractor spoke at the meeting and had no problem with getting the permit, but did ask if it might be possible to come up with one fee instead of the per day fee as it stands now. Alderman Bob Bowen pointed out that if someone calls the contractor it is not soliciting, so he said the best direction for the contractors is to advertise their services. Another matter brought up was the need for a background check for the permit. Vandalia Police Chief Jeff Ray pointed out that’s a fairly lengthy process and Mayor Gottman reiterated he wants to stick with their current ordinance.
After a short executive session, the Vandalia City Council emerged and agreed to the appointment of Dan Barenfanger as City Building Inspector for the time being for $30 per hour. Barenfanger had earlier served in the position but had left the post and had not been replaced by the City. But, Mayor Gottman says he had agreed to come back to the position to help out at this time.