A shakeup at the Illinois Prisoner Review Board has Republicans calling for reforms.
Illinois Senate Minority Leader John Curran said the resignation of two people from the board following a recent parolee allegedly murdering a child and stabbing their mother is “another example of Gov. Pritzker failing to oversee an agency under his control.”
State Sen. Jason Plummer said the PRB shouldn’t be under Pritzker’s control.
Plummer said Pritzker has gone about the board appointment process differently than prior governors. Plummer spoke out against PRB member LeAnn Miller in Spring 2023 when she was voted on by the Senate. Plummer said this isn’t a one-off. Plummer said Max Cerda was convicted of a double murder when he was 16 years old and was appointed by Pritzker.
Cerda, while on the PRB, casted a vote to let out a convicted- cop killer whom Cerda actually served time with in prison.
Another controversial appointee of Pritzker’s was Eleanor Kaye Wilson, the god-mother to former president Barack Obama’s daughters.
Story from Illinois Radio Network