Statement from Vandalia Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jennifer Garrison-
Good evening. I am pleased to announce that CDC/IDPH/ISBE recognizes local control during Phase 5 as stated in the following paragraph. “Together with local public health officials, school administrators should consider multiple factors when they make decisions about implementing layered prevention strategies against COVID-19. Since schools typically serve their surrounding communities, decisions should be based on the school population, families, and students served, as well as their communities”. The 21-22 school year will begin with a mask optional policy based on our current conditions. We removed layers of mitigations one at a time during the 20-21 school year as we returned to in person learning 5 days a week during the second semester. We are in an excellent place to take this next step. We will continue to monitor the health of our students and staff and adjust accordingly if needed. Enjoy the rest of your summer and see you in August! #VandalStrong