..RED FLAG WARNING NOW IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 7 PM CDT THIS EVENING FOR WIND AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITY FOR EASTERN MISSOURI AND WESTERN ILLINOIS... * AFFECTED AREA...In Illinois, Fire Weather Zones 058, 059, 060, 064, 065, 069, 070, 074, 079, 095, 096, 097, 098, 099, 100, 101 and 102. In Missouri, Fire Weather Zones 061, 063 and 064. * WINDS...Southwest 25 to 30 mph with gusts up to 55 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 21 percent. * IMPACTS...These conditions are conducive for the rapid spread and growth of uncontrolled wildfires. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and dry fuels can contribute to extreme fire behavior.