The Vandalia City Council has approved giving TIF money towards 3 projects.
The first project was from the owner of the Budget Inn in Vandalia as they were requesting TIF funding for a new roof. The City Council approved 25% for the project not to exceed $30,000. The matter was approved unanimously by the Vandalia City Council.
The second project was from an application by Ashley Clark and Nikki Hunter of A+ Advertising and Marketing. They are purchasing and renovating the former Givens Meat Shop building. The City Council approved 25% for their project or about $6,300. The matter was approved unanimously.
The third project was for Murray’s Restaurant which is to be located in the former Howie’s on Main Street location. The council approved 25% of acquisition and 25% for a roof for a total of $76,128.35 in TIF funds for the project. The matter passed by a vote of 5 to 3 with Aldermen Bret Brosman, Bob Bowen and Mike Hobler voting no.