The Air Assault 11U Club volleyball team completed an undefeated season this weekend, taking their third straight tournament championship this weekend, winning the Midwest Mayhem Tournament. Prior to this weekend, the 11s won the Central Spring Tournament the weekend of April 27-28 and the Spring Bash Tournament the weekend of April 20-21. The 11s finish their 2024 season with a record of 16-0. All team members are 5th graders from Patoka, St. Peter Lutheran, South Central and St. Elmo Grade Schools and are as follows: Teagan Cowger, Moriah Logsdon, Charlee Murray, Mabree Phelps, Gentry Carbaugh, Adley Martin, Parker Haslett, Zoey Kraemer and Zoey Storck.
Air Assault 11U Volleyball Completes Undefeated Season