It has been a whirlwind last handful of weeks since Ramsey senior Bella Waggoner was named Miss Illinois’ Teen. Immediately getting to work with travel across the state representing the title, Waggoner has been able to get back to Fayette County recently and a reception was held in her honor at Charters Patio on Saturday evening. Along with Waggoner were several other queens from central and northern Illinois and Waggoner says it was fun being able to introduce them to Fayette County.
While at the reception, Waggoner was able to talk to several young girls who came up to meet her and Bella says that she sees herself in those girls and tries to be a good role model for them.
With all her recent travel, Waggoner was able to really kick back and have fun during the meet and greet and we will talk more with her about that tomorrow on Newscenter.