Any enforcement of Governor J.B. Pritzker’s Mask Mandate is a very tough situation for the Fayette County Health Department.
Governor Pritzker announced the mandate earlier this month that calls for businesses to be held accountable for customers wearing a facial covering. Businesses that don’t comply are to be given a warning of a written notice. And, for those that repeatedly don’t comply, they could receive a fine of up to $2,500.
Kendra Craig, who is the Fayette County Emergency Management Agency Coordinator with the Fayette County Health Department, says they are technically to enforce the mandate. But, she says they do not have the resources or the capability to enforce such a measure, especially one that is not supported locally. Craig says she has reached out to businesses in Fayette County encouraging them to comply with the recommendations.
Governor Pritzker did call for all Illinois residents to wear a mask or facial covering beginning on May 1st, but there is no type of enforcement tied to that measure.