A new Illinois law says mobile home tenants can’t be evicted for not paying rent, but only if the park itself is not up on their license and fees. Governor J.B. Pritzker recently enacted the measure.
State Representative Anna Moeller carried the measure in the House and explained Senate Bill 2834 already exists in current statute but the replication in the Mobile Home Landlord and Tenants Act is a way to bring great awareness to residents that is the existing law.
State Representative C.D. Davidsmeyer said he appreciated Moeller working with the Manufactured Housing Association on finding a solution to getting rid of bad actors in that space, but he raised concerns about how this bill is the first step to a possible landlord registry.
Recently, the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court decided not to weight in on the legality of a defunct Pittsburgh land registry bill. The court decided that the ordinance in question was already defunct. In a lawsuit, the Landlord Service Bureau and the Apartment Association of Metropolitan Pittsburgh argued the registry was unconstitutional.
Story from Illinois Radio Network